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More information:
- Arachide
- Arachis oil
- Beer nuts
- Cacahouète/cacahouette/cachuète
- Goober nuts, goober peas
- Ground nuts
- Kernels
- Mandelonas, Nu-Nuts (a nut-flavoured peanut confection)
- Nut meats
- Valencias
- Almond & hazelnut paste, icing, glazes, marzipan, nougat
- Asian cuisine such as curries, egg rolls, pad thai, satay, Szechuan and other sauces, gravy, soups
- Baked goods like cakes, cookies, donuts, energy bars, granola bars, pastries
- Candies, such as mandelonas, chocolates, and chocolate bars
- Cereals and granola, granola bars
- Chili
- Chipotle sauce and other Mexican/Latin sauces
- Ice cream and flavoured ice water treats, frozen desserts, frozen yogurts, sundae toppings
- Dried salad dressings and soup mixes
- Hydrolyzed plant protein/ hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- Faux nuts made from re-formed peanut products (Nu-NutsTM)
- Peanut oil
- Snack foods such as dried fruits, chewy fruit snacks, trail mixes, popcorn, pretzels, chips
- Vegetarian meat substitutes
- Edible fruit arrangements
Note: even labels that say "may contain" are not recommended.
Cross-contact occurs when an allergen is inadvertently transferred from a food containing an allergen to a food that does not contain the allergen. Cooking does not reduce or eliminate the chances of a person with a food allergy having a reaction to the food eaten. Cross-contact can happen through:
- Food to food - e.g. nuts on top of a salad (even if taken off)
- Food to object (cooking surfaces and cookware)