Make Your Own Allergy Card

Create a Customized Allergy Card.
If you have multiple food allergies, it's important to make sure they are truly understood by wait staff and chefs when dining out.
A food allergy chef card puts your restrictions in writing, ensuring that they are noted.
Food Allergy Card Builder
We offer customized food allergy alert cards, and customized intolerance alert cards. The steps are very simple.
1. Choose either:
2. Choose the number of cards you would like
3. Select the language you would like on the reverse side. The front side will contain the original English text.
4. Select your allergens/intolerances. You can choose up to 12.
5. Checkout, and wait for your custom dining card to arrive in the mail.
I have down syndrome and I have a allergy to glutin and diary can you help
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