Kyle Dine
Hey I'm Kyle and I've grown up with multiple food allergies since the age of two. Managing severe life-threatening allergies in the 80's and 90's was not easy. My parents had a tough time getting other people to believe them that allergies were even real.
I often felt excluded from events, and made to feel like a burden because of my food allergies. This made me take risks with my allergies and become a homebody.
I took a big jump in my early 20's and decided to go on exchange in Europe. It was a life changing experience that opened my eyes to the world. I loved it and developed the travel bug immediately! Since then I've traveled across the world and made a lifetime of memories.
I started Equal Eats wanting to provide a better way for our community to communicate abroad, so they could feel more confident while enjoying the world. We all deserve an equal opportunity to live and enjoy a normal meal...just like everyone else.